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Universidade Federal do Ceará
Programa de Pós Graduação em Química

Área do conteúdo



Izaura Cirino Nogueira Diógenes  (Coordinator)

Gisele Simone Lopes (Vice-Coordinator)

Jair Mafezoli (Representative of the Organic Chemistry Area)

Judith Pessoa de Andrade Uchoa (Representative of the Chemistry Area)

Pierre Basílio Almeida Fechine (Representative of the Physical-Chemical Area)

Elisane Longhinotti (Representative of the Analytical Chemistry Area)

Luiz Gonzaga de França Lopes (Representative of the Inorganic Chemistry Area)

Francisco Luan Fonseca da Silva (Student Representative)


Célia Regina Xavier de Sena

Lorrayne Nogueira Lima


The Collegiate of the PPGQ-UFC is composed of all the permanent teachers and collaborators and by the following student representatives.

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