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Universidade Federal do Ceará
Programa de Pós Graduação em Química

Área do conteúdo

How to apply

The selection process occurs twice a year and is made public through the Program site and in Instagram.

Documents required for applying to PGQUIM:

  • Copy of passport;
  • Copy of certificate of the Unified Exam of Chemistry of the Brazilian Chemical Society – see the call of the selection process for the validity of the exam;
  • Copy of the certification of master’s or bachelor’s degree in chemistry or related areas for doctoral or master applicants, respectively;
  • Copy of the master’s or bachelor’s academic record for doctoral or master applicants, respectively.

The application process is fully online and can be accessed at http://www.si3.ufc.br/sigaa/public .


For details on visa requirements, please see the document with general information on entry visas to Brazil and visit https://www.gov.br/mre/en?set_language=en.


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