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Universidade Federal do Ceará
Programa de Pós Graduação em Química

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Reactions Game Data da publicação: November 14, 2019. Categoria:Uncategorized
A partnership between professor José Nunes da Silva Júnior from the Graduate Program in Chemistry at Universidade Federal do Ceará, and [...]

Professors from PPGQ have just published a review article in the special edition “Brazilian Women in Chemistry” of the Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society Data da publicação: May 30, 2019. Categoria:NEWS
Professors from PPGQ have just published a review article in the special edition “Brazilian Women in Chemistry” of the Journal of the [...]

Professor from the UFC PPGQ will give a plenary lecture at the “10th International Conference of Chemistry Toulouse-Kiev Data da publicação: May 30, 2019. Categoria:NEWS
  Professor from the UFC PPGQ, Maria da Conceição Ferreira de Oliveira, will give a plenary lecture at the “10th [...]

Paper from PPGQ researches is selected as the front cover paper of ChemElectroChem journal Data da publicação: May 6, 2019. Categoria:NEWS
  PPGQ researches have published a paper titled “Electroanalysis of Pharmaceuticals on Boron-Doped Diamond Electrodes: A [...]

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