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Universidade Federal do Ceará
Programa de Pós Graduação em Química

Área do conteúdo

Materials Chemistry

It is a research area which involves a diversity of technological applications. Consequently, it requires knowledge from basic science and engineering. In this context, Chemistry plays a fundamental role in explaining the relation between the structure of the materials at atomic/molecular scales and their macroscopic properties. The investigations concern the structure, property, process and performance of the materials. Examples of this research area are:

  • Thin/thick films.
  • Metallic alloying.
  • Semiconductors materials.
  • Bioceramics.
  • Magneto-dielectric ceramics.
  • Superconductors.
  • Nanoparticles.
  • Catalysts.
  • Polymers.
  • Composites.
  • Glasses.


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