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Universidade Federal do Ceará
Programa de Pós Graduação em Química

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Seminário com Professor Ricardo Riguera – 15/06 às 14h

Data de publicação: 13 de maio de 2022. Categoria: NOTÍCIAS

Em virtude do feriado de Corpus Christi (16/05), o Seminário foi antecipado para quarta, dia 15/06/2022 às 14h.

No dia 15 de junho de 2022 (quarta), às 14h, teremos a realização do Seminário intitulado: “Obtaining information from the NMR spectra of complex mixtures: Pseudoseparation and classification by fingerprint“, a ser ministrado pelo Professor Ricardo Riguera, da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela – Espanha, no anfiteatro da Química, bloco 940 – Campus do Pici.

Abstract da palestra do Prof. Riguera

Prof. Ricardo Riguera 

Center for Research in Biological Chemistry and Molecular Materials (CiQUS) 

Universidad de Santiago, Santiago de Compostela, 15782 SPAIN 

E-mail: ricardo.riguera@usc.es 


Ricardo Riguera is Emeritus Professor in Organic Chemistry at the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela  (Spain) and Senior Researcher at the Center for Research in Biological Chemistry and Molecular Materials (CiQUS). He is author of more than 250 research papers, reviews, book chapters and patents. His research  was initially centered on natural products, (terrestrial and marine), medicinal chemistry and NMR  methods for determination of absolute configuration. Since 2005 he is interested on the design of  polymer-based nanostructured systems for a) drug delivery, -based on functionalised polysaccharides and  dendrimers- and b) chiral sensors based on dynamic poly(phenyl)acetylenes with helical skeleton (axial  chirality) that respond to external stimuli with changes in the helical sense, elongation or aggregation. 

As academic, Prof. Riguera has authored three textbooks for students, supervised more than 30 Ph D  thesis and delivered numerous post-grad courses and conferences in many universities. He has served as Chairman of the Department, Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry and Vice-Chancellor of  the University of Santiago. 

In 2013 the Real Sociedad Española de Química awarded him the Félix Serratosa Medal for his  accomplishements on Organic Chemistry, and in 2018 the GERMN award for his accomplishments on  NMR.

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