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Universidade Federal do Ceará
Programa de Pós Graduação em Química

Área do conteúdo


The activities of the Graduate in Chemistry to develop mainly in the Department of Organic and Inorganic Chemistry and Department of Analytical Chemistry and Physical Chemistry of the UFC Sciences Center, University Campus of Pici, whose premises have a total area of ??1840m2 of covered area, consisting of three buildings: administrative (460m2), teaching (460m2), and a building containing teaching and research laboratories and classrooms of teachers (920m2). Some activities are developed by the Department of Chemical Engineering and Physics Department of the UFC.
Specifically, the groups that are responsible for the ongoing research lines have independent laboratory space (6 Laboratories, Total Area = 460m2). The idea of ??sharing large laboratories for collective use has been completely abandoned, since they have been observed improved serviceability and continuity of research in specific areas of expertise of researchers and students.
Central Analytical
The Postgraduate program in  Chemistry also has various equipment in common use by all groups involved which are part of a focused analytical equipment consists of the following:

  • System DSC-50 thermal analysis, DTA-50 and TGA-50 Shimadzu and another from Perkin Elmer
  • UV-Visible Spectrophotometer Hitachi U2000 and Hewlett Packard 8453,
  • Shimadzu HPLC chromatographic system with diode array detector, model SPD-M10A with communicator module, model CBM 10A, C18 reverse phase column and mass detector Shimadzu, MS2010
  • System of electrochemical Bionalytical Systems BAS-100W,
  • “Shimadzu chromatographic system (GPC)
  • Fluorescence Spectrophotometer Hitachi F-4500,
  • Vibrational Infrared spectrometers and Shimadzu Bomen.
  • ICP-OES, Optima 4300, Perkin Elmer.

Other techniques are used, through collaboration with researchers in the field of organic chemistry, Department of Organic and Inorganic Chemistry, Department of Physics and the Regional Center of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (CENAUREMN), which are:

  • Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (Bruker 300MHz and 500MHz)
  • Scanning electron microscopy (Phillips XL 30),
  • Mossbauer Spectroscopy,
  • Mass spectrometry (HP).

The researchers still have all the existing infrastructure of technological development in the park (Padetec) that has similar equipment, which are used when the existence of defects or breakage of equipment of the department.
Students have two rooms for specific studies and teaching activities are conducted in three classrooms, for exclusive use of postgraduate course. In addition, there are ten more classrooms, belonging to the Department of Organic and Inorganic Chemistry, which are used interchangeably, in teaching undergraduate and postgraduate.
The course has a computer room for the exclusive use of students, including:

  • Four computers networked PCs,
  • A terminal connected to the core data processing of the UFC that offers a computer midsize Unisys.

There is another computer room, for the exclusive use of Teachers, containing:

  • 03 Pentium MMX-233 computers, networked,
  • One scanner
  • Two 6L Laser printers and inkjet 692 HP.

Additionally, many teachers of the course has, in their offices, the networked computers.
Sources of Funding
The maintenance of physical infrastructure and personnel participating in the Program of Graduate Studies in Inorganic Chemistry is given by the budget allocation of the UFC, referring to the annual budget of the Ministry of Education and Sports.
The funding of research conducted in the course has been made through the PROAP-CAPES, individual projects and integrated, driven by CNPq and the Research Foundation of the State of Ceará (FUNCAP) and also for special projects, such asPADCT III announcement 97/1, the fourth round.

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